English on the Internet - English in Lessons

Lesson 6 - Exercises

1. Tvořte věty
At midnight Mr Lee
At 10 p.m. Mr Lee
Lee Chang-Soon
Mr Lee
Mr Lee and his family
Mr Lee and his wife
Mr Lee's workday
People like us
People on the Upper East Side
The reporter
a fruit and vegetables store in New York.
a wide choice of fruit and vegetables.
at midnight / at 10 p.m.
five hours at the market every night.
for an hour or so in the morning.
for the market at midnight.
home at 10 p.m.
the door of his store.
to get on.
to the market in the Bronx.
to work long hours.
TV in the evening.
work at mignight.

2. Mluvte si pro sebe.
Mr Lee
Mr Lee's workday
My workday
can('t) watch
... hours.
... hours in bed.
at ...
from ... to ...
in ...
TV in the evening.

3. Odpovídejte

a) Is New York the larhest city in the world?
b) Where's the fruit and vegetable market?
c) Where's Mr Lee's store?
d) Who runs the store?
e) How long is Mr Lee's workday?
f) What hours is the store open?
g) When can Mr Lee sleep?
h) Can Mr Lee watch TV in the evening?

4. Doplňte do věty členy: a, an, the nebo -, pokud do věty člen nepatří (only for Internet Explorer)

      1. She's got a job as waitress.
      2. You can use the jug as vase.
      3. Are you still at work, Brian?
      4. Mr Lee's store is on Upper East Side of Manhattan.
      5. He's got over thousand of records.
      6. There are public lavatories in Leicester Square.

5. Doplňte do věty: his, him, her its, our, us, they, their, them

1. Where's Sally? I've got a letter for .
2. There are thousands of Korean immigrants in New York. Many of are in fruit and vegetable business.
3. Mr Lee starts workday at midnight. At 10 p.m. you can see locking his store for the night.
4. Life's hard for the Lees but are not complaining.
5. People on the Upper East Side want fruit and vegetables fresh and clean and cheap.
6. Life in New York City has problems.
7. We always lock the door of flat before we go to bed.
8. In the morning we have to unload the truck and store everything. That takes about two hours.

6. Doplňte vždy jen jedno slovo:

1. New York's on the the largest cities the world.
2. an immigrant you have to work hard.
3. Mr Lee leaves the market at midnight and gets back it at 6 a.m.
4. We always watch TV the evening.
5. We've still got ten boxes strawberries.
6. Mr Lee's work when other people sleeping.
7. Vegetables must fresh and clean.
8. It can't too difficult to find the market in the Bronx.

7. Přeložte.

a) Spolu se svou ženou pan Lee provozuje obchod s ovocem a zeleninou.

b) O půlnoci jede na ovocný a zeleninový trh do Bronxu.

c) Okolo šesté hodiny ranní se dostane zpět z trhu.

d) Každou noc stráví na trhu okolo pěti hodin.

e) Pan Lee pracuje, když ostatní lidé se dívají na televizi nebo spí.

f) Zelenina musí být čerstvá a čistá.

g) Musí být také levná. (množné číslo)

h) Pan Lee a jeho žena musí třídit a čistit hodně ovoce a zeleniny.

i) Vždycky je tam co dělat.

j) Život je pro Leeovi těžký, ale nestěžují si.

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