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Kostas, M, 1992, Greece
Writing language: Greek, English, Dutch
Hello all my name is Kostas, i am 25 years old and i am from Greece. I have a bachelor degree in psychology and i am currently studying for a masters degree in psychotherapy. I have lived in Greece for my whole life and i have also spent a couple of months in Enschede, Netherlands. I can speak English fluently and now i am in the process of learning dutch. I really love to talk and have conversations with people from different countries in order to learn more about the world that we live in. My main interests are: reading books, listening to music, watching movies and of course i enjoy travelling a lot. If you like exchanging ideas and thoughts i would be excited to talk with you. Take care and have fun!
Registration: 30th January 2017      Last change: 5th September 2017

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